Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Drug Store Finds!

If you all read my last blog post you will know that I am spending 2012 being more frugal. I have found some drug store makeup that I am completely obsessed with and wanted to share them with you.

Foundation: I noticed that a lot of YouTube Beauty gurus have been using Revlon Colorstay foundation or the Photo Ready foundation and I became curious. I wanted to try it myself. Now, it has been a long time since I have used a drugstore foundation, so I was a little surprised that they were as expensive as they are. I purchased a bottle of the Photo Ready by Revlon in the color Nude. I am pretty fair right now!

My opinion: This is an amazing foundation! I can't believe it. I have been wearing it everyday. The coverage is great and you don't need that much of it because a little goes a long way! I will continue to use this foundation daily.

Eyeshadow: I was attracted to the colors in the Covergirl eyeshadow quads that are made for Hazel eyes. I really just wanted the matte dark brown in it! I must say that the pigments aren't that bad. I wouldn't use them over my high end eyeshadows but, in a pinch it's nice to have them on hand. The colors are pretty! I would definitely recommend this if want pretty eyeshadows on a budget.

Mascara: I have always loved Covergirl Lash Blast! I will continue to use it. I don't like it by itself but, I do like it layered with my Lancome Oscillation Intensity. Mascara has a very short shelf life, the longest you should have a tube is 3 months. I would actually recommend throwing it away after 6 weeks. It can really harbor bacteria! Hello eye infections! With a short shelf life that can get very expensive so, I stick to the cheap mascara.

Moisturizer: I am not currently using this moisturizer but, did in the past. Dr. Lewinn by Kinerase has a line for drugstores and the SPF 30 moisturizer didn't break me out and I felt very protected from the sun daily! I have switched to Mario Badescu and love it too! It's about the same in price and more geared to my skin type.

My favorite multi-purpose product: Alba un-Petroleum Jelly, I use this for lots of different things and it's not yucky like regular petroleum jelly. I use it at night to set my skincare and protect my skin, chapped lips, around my eyes at night, dry skin, you can make your very own lip balms out of it, etc. It's only about $5! That is quite a deal!

I hope this helps you in the makeup department of your favorite drugstore find good quality items. I would love to hear what items you have tried that you love.


Monday, January 2, 2012

It's 2012! What will this year be for you?

Hey Everyone! It's been a long time since I have put up a blog! Sorry about that!

I have been putting together what this year will be for me. I have a few goals that I have set for myself and a few challenges. I would like to end 2012 knowing that I tried my best to accomplish these goals and that I made lots of effort to achieve them!

I thought I would share with you these goals and to have you all help keep me in check! I know a lot of you probably have the same ones so, feel free to message me for encouragement and advice.

Here they are:

1. I have a goal to be extremely frugal! This is going to be a challenge! We live in a very materialistic world and it has actually inspired me to be the opposite. This means a BUDGET, NOT EATING OUT, EITHER MAKING MY COSMETICS OR SCALING BACK FROM "HIGH-END" MAKEUP! I am sure with lots of research and the ability to make a lot of my own products that I can do this. (some helpful blogs will probably come out of this so stay posted)

2. Being more frugal will also help me live a healthy lifestyle. I know exactly what to do to be the fittest I can be that's not the challenge. The challenge is actually doing it and reaching my goal. So far, I have been doing really well. I knew this was going to be my goal so, I actually started early right after Christmas. I have everything I need to accomplish my fitness goals! I have no excuses!

3. I love my job! I really do! There is not a lot of people that can say they love what they do. That being said, I did sacrifice a steady income in a job that I hated to get here. (Another reason for the need to be frugal!) However, I know there are other ways to bring in an income, my goal is to be creative and motivated to do so. I want to do more freelance makeup for weddings and special events, this is the kind of makeup I enjoy doing with no pressure to sell something that I may or may not even believe in. I know God will provide, I just have to believe.

4. I am not the most organized person in the world, not even close. Now, when I am doing my best to be organized I do function so much better. My goal is to continue to do the work to keep my home in order to keep my sanity in check!

I think that these goals are a good start. I don't want to over do it and feel like a failure if I didn't achieve 20 different resolutions! I think that these 4 will help me be successful in all aspects of my life. I also decided not to put any resolutions about being more nice or honest, etc. I already am brutally honest and I think I am pretty nice unless I have been burned by you. I have no regrets about cutting those out of my life that I did in 2011, I did that for my sanity. Those that I kept in my life mean the most to me and have tremendous value in it!

Here's to a frugal, healthy, prosperous, organized 2012 and on!

Feel free to message me for advice, tips, check-ins, etc. I think that will help us all!
