Saturday, January 1, 2011


So, it's the new year again! This means a lot of resolutions broken by next week or the following! I have decided this year is resolution free I am just going to take the days as they come and live my life day by day. I feel like resolutions only make us feel like if we don't accomplish them we are failures and that's not a feeling I want. Instead of a resolution maybe I will sign up for a class or let more natural light in or maybe just vow to smile at everyone (even if I don't like you!). Maybe I will make up my own daily mantras and read them and live them everyday to the best of my ability.

1. I am a good person.
2. Smiling makes me and others happy.
3. I love my face and body because that's what God gave me.
4. Now just take care of what God gave you!
5. My kids are the funniest people on the planet!
6. We are not perfect and there is no such thing.
7. Those people that try to bring you down are not people you need to be associated with.
8. But pray for them anyway :)

My New Year's Mantras... they are subject to change too :)

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